You don’t need us… Yet!!
At Your Video Team, we believe in empowering our clients to grow their businesses in the best possible way, even if that means we end up doing ourselves out of work! We won't sell you something you don't need, but we're always happy to share our knowledge and expertise to help you succeed.
This week, I am sharing a step-by-step guide to help you focus on your marketing message and maximise your audience reach, all without spending a penny upfront. And to illustrate how this approach can work in practice, we're excited to share the story of Simeon, also known as THE YOGA MAN.
Simeon runs children's yoga classes with a focus on promoting positivity, calmness, growth, and fun. When we met him, he was eager to promote his business and explore various advertising options, from newspapers and social media boosts to billboards, photography, and videography. However, all these options came with a cost, and Simeon wasn't sure which one would deliver the best return on investment.
That's where we came in. We gave Simeon some advice and guidance on how to increase his reach and build a following, without having to spend a dime. We helped him identify his marketing goals, target audience, and existing resources, and showed him how to create engaging content that resonated with his audience.
Over the course of six months, Simeon implemented our advice and built a consistent following on his Facebook page, with videos that were reaching between 100-150 views. Then, he decided it was time to take the next step and invest in a professional video that could showcase his business and attract more customers.
Within 24 hours of uploading the video to Facebook, it received over 400 views, and since then, it has garnered over 800 views. The video not only helped Simeon build brand awareness, but also explained to new and existing customers how his services benefit the children who attend his classes.
Here's how you can follow Simeon's example and maximise your marketing reach without spending a penny upfront:
Step 1: Identify your marketing goals. Do you want to build brand awareness, promote your products/services, explain what you offer, tell your story, or launch a new product/service? You can have multiple goals, but make sure to link each one to a specific strategy.
Step 2: Define your target audience. Who are you trying to reach? Existing customers, new customers, colleagues, businesses, or a combination? Knowing your audience will help you tailor your message and choose the best channels to reach them.
Step 3: Assess your existing resources. What do you already have in place? What's working and what's not? With some guidance, you can take your content to the next level without spending money. Set up a call with me, and we'll explore the multitude of ways you can promote your business and plan what you can do without breaking the bank.
Step 4: Take action! Once you have a plan in place, it's time to start putting it into action. Whether you post once a week or every day, consistency is key. The more content you create and share yourself, the less you'll need to pay someone else to do it for you.
Remember, “Growing Slowly is Still Growing” . By building a consistent and engaged following organically, you'll be in a better position to invest in multiple marketing options and reach even more customers.
So, you don't need us... yet! We are here to offer advice and guidance to help you grow your business in the best possible way. Whether you are looking to build brand awareness, promote your products and services, explain what your business has to offer, tell people about you and your business, or launch a new product or service, remember that Your Video Team is here to help you reach your goals.
Our experience with Simeon and his children's yoga business is a perfect example of how taking a strategic approach to marketing can lead to impressive results. We were able to help him take the next step and expand his reach, ultimately leading to a significant increase in views and exposure for his business.
So, with our expertise and your passion, there's no limit to what we can achieve together.